Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Shanewatch (an ongoing series)

She's at it again. You may recall my trashing of Shane Watson in a previous post and I'm afraid to report she's at it again.

In her latest must-read column in The Times she's back on the subject of WHAT MEN WANT. Oh yes. And what do they want? Shane, in her infinite wisdom, is able to tell us:

"We know that smudgy eyes and Balmain jackets and snakeskin heels are hot, even if men insist they prefer us in bias-cut dresses with shiny wavy hair and a pair of flip-flops.

Ah, how right she is. Men are forever poring over the Boden catalogue, suggesting that their girlfriends/wives buy that nice little bias-cut dress and then jump artfully over the nearest puddle/rock pool.

How would we ever get dressed without her?


  1. Obviously I'd love to be able (like la belle Shane) to afford the Balmain jacket and snakeskin heels to be hot in... smudgy eyes I can manage just by sneezing too hard shortly after applying mascara.

  2. Indeed, excellent tip. Alternatively, do not remove your make-up the night before and when you get up the following morning, simply wipe away the excess and add another coat of mascara.

    It looks absolutely SUPER with a bias-cut floral dress....

  3. She's off again.


    Smug cow.
